Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Your Health Care:Choice or Chance?

Today, July 13, Corine Mogenis and I rocked on my public access tv series, Your Health Care:Choice or Chance?. Corine joined me by phone from New Jersey to talk about her great medical book, Medical Tips from the Inside:Things You Need To Know, and I discussed Ellen In Medicaland:True Stories of How I Fell Down Medicine's Black Hole and Still Lived After All, which is on Kindle. Corine, a medical paralegal in New Jersey, has co-authored Medical Tips with Patricia Raya and gives superb information about how to obtain good health care.

Ellen In Medicaland, as you know, tells of my own Twilight Zonish experiences at a Harvard-teaching hospital as a patient with Stage 2 breast cancer and my Mom's caregiver. What Corine and I have in common is that we are both trying to help you navigate our very sick health system.

This segment of Your Health Care will be on local cable television, as well as on podcast on my website,, in August. I shall keep you posted when this program will be available to you.